Please complete the following required details
Same as Event Address

Add additional contact

Can your organisation provide the following?

Suitable venue i.e. hall, classroom, library.
Child Minding


Adult Presentation

Would you like to book an adult presentation?

Please provide two possible dates and times for the presentation:
   Date & Time 1: Date & Time 2:

  Booking Comments
  Is this in relation to a specific incident or issue? This will assist with prioritising your Expression of Interest.

  Additional Comments
  - Possible dates and times
  - Specific location details for presentation e.g. main hall
  - Parking arrangements e.g. use south entrance carpark
  - Any special requirements/considerations for the presenter/s

  Anticipated outcome/organisation’s expectations

  If there are no available presenters in your location, can a digital presentation be facilitated?

  Have you requested a youth presentation/s?

Youth Presentation

Would you like to book a youth presentation? (suitable to children aged 5-18yrs, delivered by local police)
Number of Sessions


  Reason for requesting a presentation
  Is this in relation to a specific incident or issue? This will assist with prioritising your Expression of Interest.

  Additional Comments
  - Possible dates and times
  - Specific location details for presentation e.g. main hall
  - Parking arrangements e.g. use south entrance carpark
  - Any special requirements/considerations for the presenter/s

  Anticipated outcome/organisation’s expectations

  Have you requested a parent/carer presentation?